Thursday, April 2, 2020

APRIL FIRST!!! Good Morning



Below, the 2019 Team

‘Snowball’  by Shel Silverstein

I made myself a snowball
As perfect as could be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas
And a pillow for its head.
Then last night it ran away,
But first it wet the bed.

Christmas   Wendy Cope

Tis the season to be jolly,
Put up the tree and lots of holly,
Then pass around the loving cup...
And let the men do the washing up.


1) Highlights from 2016
Our Very First Poetry Show 13-17 min

2)  Doggy Christmas Dinner 1.54 min 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 2nd - Good Morning!

VIDEO links at bottom of Post

The Smallest Library
Peek inside, books and dvds

Spring is on the line         liz

A call from Cambridge* and spring arrived
with the gentle burbling of a wood pigeon
clear behind my cousin's telling of
how cold and still the day’d begun,
out with Baxter on his early morning run,
air crisp, grass crunching underfoot,
stiff and white with hoar-frost.
Now late afternoon, sitting outside
in a sun warmed corner,
the view empty of roads...people...
just a roll of fields, trees and sky.
“I’m hot!” she muttered,
a muffled sound of clothing being shed,
(a wood pigeon’s coo filled the pause)
then, “I’m basking in my bra!”
We talked of family, things that warm the cockles,
of kids and grandkids, her recent holiday,
and all the while, the sound of wood pigeons
kept sifting down the line,
and when we said goodbye,
it was like hanging up on spring.

*from cousin Sarah.
This poem's video - see link below

1)  Spring is on the Line....including wood pigeon cooing  1.21 mins

2)  EXTRA-ordinary - The Marsh family sharing their lockdown-themed coronavirus pandemic in the style of Les Misérables.  This version best - begins with family being "normal" before they sing...4.01 mins


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

March 31st Something Tasty for Lunch

An Hors d'Oeuvre Before Lunch
I put two videos from Xmas up on YouTube - notably the absurd poem PAM ... of course with subtitles

However there are copyright, watch them soon, as I may have to take them down quickly

My Email Address:  CLICK HERE

1)  A trio of Artistic Achievements  7.73 min
(Tossini-Skating-Tiny Dancer)

2) "PAM" by Victoria Wood with ST  4.09 min

APRIL FIRST!!! Good Morning

APRIL FOOL!!! We're RE-RUNNING CHRISTMAS!! Below, the 2019 Team ‘Snowball’  by Shel Silverstein I made myself a...